Handling Investor Grievances

Offline Procedure

  • Step 1 Aggrieved client can issue email outlining their grievances against Trading/DP directly at ig@ashikagroup.com
  • Step 2 Upon receipt of compliant, a ticket number would be auto generated and intimated on the email of the client.
  • Step 3 The client will be updated with the status of his complaint on his email id. Alternatively, he can view the status through the website.

Online Procedure

  • Step 1 Aggrieved client has to visit our website i.e. www.ashikagroup.com and click on "Raise your Complain" under "Support" under "Quick Links" tab
  • Step 2 Upon receipt of compliant, a ticket number would be generated and intimated on the email of the client.
  • Step 3 Client can view the status of his complaint through website/link provided in the email

Procedural Steps

Aggrieved client has to visit our website i.e. www.ashikagroup.com and click on "Raise your Complain" under "Support" under "Quick Links" tab

  • 1. In case a client wants to raise a compliant, he has to click on “Raise Your Complain”
  • open-an-account
  • 2. Client has to fill up the details like his Name, Email, Trading/ DP code
  • open-an-account
  • 3. The client has to provide the details of his complaint for speedy resolution, feed the captcha and create a ticket
  • open-an-account
  • 4. Client will immediately get an email informing him of the ticket no. along with a link to view its status
  • open-an-account
  • 5. Client can always view the status by providing the credentials as below
  • open-an-account
  • 6. The below screen will display the status
  • open-an-account