Research Reports

Equities, Business Models, Price to Earnings, etc.! The world is a more complex place than ever before. In this organized chaos is your next move likely to be prompted by sound research or…

At Ashika, we research market momentum on one hand and corporate earnings on the other; the result is a broadly informed call on the markets. Over the years, we have invested in our research and have pioneered a number of initiatives.

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Daily Report


Daily Morning Report

A substitute for your morning newspaper, Ashika's Daily Morning Report covers the market outlook for the day including the technical side of the market and provides you with a summary on the news that matters to you.

Weekly Insight

This report gives you a summary of what has gone by in the last week with in-depth analysis and views. Also serves as a good heads-up for what to expect in the coming week including corporate action.

Fundamental Report

This report makes recommendations on stocks after an in-depth analysis considering investment argument, long term wealth creation potential and valuation rationality.

Special Report

IPO & Buyback

This section covers an in-depth analysis of the upcoming IPOs and Buyback and guiding investors to take informed decision.

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Other Reports

This section covers sector, economy and market perspective reports

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